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Our honorable Prime Minister Shree Narendra Modi has set forth the vision for Digital India. This vision w.r.t. education has a mission where we need to work towards the dream of a Digital India by 2020 where:
- High speed Digital Highways will represent One India and will connect 1.2 billion Indians
- High speed Digital Highways will make Quality Education reach the most inaccessible corners of India
- Digital Education will become the part and parcel every school in the country
The transition in school education from paper to pixel is rapidly growing across the globe and in India, primarily because there’s a strong belief that use of Digital Technology is the way to the future for Digital India. If we see the world around us over 90% of schools in developed countries like the UK, US, Australia and Singapore are using digital technology-enabled solutions for imparting education at schools.
In India, too, many schools are experimenting with using Digital Technology for education. Few of the first companies in this space like Educomp, NIIT have already demonstrated the benefits of use of Digital Technology in education.
The typical Indian classroom was once characterized by students sitting through hour-long teacher monologues. Today, Digital Technology is making life easier for both students and educators. Schools are increasingly adoptingDigital Technology solutions to engage with a generation of pupils well-versed with the likes of computers, laptops, and tablets and trying to make the classroom environment more inclusive and participatory.
A recent trend is that schools in tier two and tier three cities are increasingly adopting the latest technology.
Use of Digital Technology solutions have modernized teaching by providing teachers new mediums for imparting education and evolving the Pedagogy for digital education. Digital Technology provides teachers a broad, flexible and agile methodology to streamline their teaching and make it more meaningful. For students, use of Digital Technologyfor education make learning more interesting, participative and enjoyable. Their overall attitude towards learning becomes positive.
The case for Digital Technology in education in India is so strong that school boards too are taking concrete steps to increase the adoption of digital education in schools. For instance, the CBSE has instructed affiliated schools to set up digital classrooms from primary to secondary level for every subject. As per the directive of CBSE, every student must have significant knowledge of computers and the internet to empower them to learn using Digital Technology medium.
We talk of digital divide but today this gap has drastically reduced as schools in the rural areas have adapted to Digital Technology for educating the rural youth setting examples for others. We at GurujiWorld have helped rural schools to implement our innovative G-KLASS Digital Technology solution to empower the rural schools to using technology medium for delivery of quality education and encouraging rural ecosystem to participate in educating their child who is the future of Digital India.
Our schools should go digital in the true sense where:
- Students get to learn every subject using Digital Technology
- Schools have a digital ecosystem which allow all the stakeholders i.e. School Management, Administrators, Teachers, Parents, Students etc. to collaborate amongst themselves seamlessly
- Schools have a digital platform where the administration and academic processes are seamlessly used
- Schools have a digital platform for online assessment for conducting exams
Once the above is achieved only then can we say that a digital revolution has occurred in India, only then can we claim our dream for the digital future for education in India is achieved.